A feasible bandwidth compensation technique for FSS radome design

Ning Liu, Xianjun Sheng, Chunbo Zhang, Jingjing Fan, Dongming Guo
2017 IEICE Electronics Express  
In this paper, a feasible compensation technique has been proposed to improve the bandwidth angular stability of FSS radome. Stacked structure composed of different mechanical suitable materials has been adopted to construct the bandwidth compensation layer in the proposed technique. Hence, the problem that mechanical suitable materials with lower permittivity are not available in the classic bandwidth compensation technique has been solved. The validity of the proposed technique is verified by
more » ... designing an FSS radome composed of modified second-order miniaturised FSS (MFSS) and bandwidth compensation layers. Simulation results show that the proposed technique has equal performance in stabilizing the bandwidth of FSS radome under oblique incidence with the classic one.
doi:10.1587/elex.14.20170510 fatcat:rw3rv63rnrgzlpgvzm4zcnaabm