Improvement of technological processes of non-seedling method of growing sugar beet seed
Удосконалення технологічних процесів безвисадкового способу вирощування насінників цукрових буряків

V. Kurilo, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, V. Pryshliak, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
2020 Vìsnik agrarnoï nauki Pričornomor'â  
The article describes the advanced, based on the results of research on the agrophysical properties of plants, technological processes of a non-seedling method of seed production. The agrotechnical techniques developed and proposed for practical use are shown, which provide the increase of seed yield, increase of their coefficient of reproduction and reduction of production costs. The results of the research can be used to improve and optimize zonal technologies and facilities for growing and harvesting sugar beet seed.
doi:10.31521/2313-092x/2020-2(106)-12 fatcat:xk3g7ni2gzg3zjlxgotlmdqdae