Comprehensive allelotyping of human intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

H Momoi, H Okabe, T Kamikawa, S Satoh, I Ikai, M Yamamoto, A Nakagawara, Y Shimahara, Y Yamaoka, M Fukumoto
2001 Clinical Cancer Research  
We performed a genome-wide scan for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 22 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) cases using 168 polymorphic microsatellite markers throughout all of the human chromosomes and 48 markers of which LOH is reportedly characteristic of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Markers with LOH in more than 30% of informative cases were observed at 21 loci. Among these, eight markers on 6q (three loci), 4q (two loci), 9q, 16q, and 17p shared high frequencies of LOH with HCC in our
more » ... revious study. As for gross appearance, mass-forming type tumors showed higher frequency of LOH (P < 0.001) compared with other types. Compared by tumor size (< or =5 cm versus >5 cm), number (multiple versus solitary), and the International Union Against Cancer TNM classification (stage IVB versus II-IVA), LOH was observed more frequently in advanced stages (P < 0.01, respectively). However, LOH frequency does not differ regardless of lymph node status (pN0 versus pN1). Frequent LOH on 1p36 including the p73 locus was noted in large tumors without lymph node metastasis. These suggest that ICC shares some common carcinogenic steps with HCC such as LOH of 4q and 6q and that inactivation of tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 1p36 contributes to progression of ICC but not to metastatic traits.
pmid:11555575 fatcat:vg5aqclam5e4bhts2c2qlub6gm