Psychological Factors Measured in the Differential Officer Battery [report]

William H. Helme, Louis P. Willemin, Roberta W. Day
1971 unpublished
Approved for public rolMM. diairibulion unlimitPd. -?> BEHAVIOR AND SYSTEMS RESEARCH LABORATORY An activity of the Chief. Research and Development V V;0C \ " 1 «B. '^^ Army Project Number Officer Prediction d-14 2Q062106A722 Approved for public rtl««$t. dutnbution unlimittd 1 Instruments and PT numbers of the booklets and forms of the DOB are given in BESRL Technical Research Report 1154, Prediction of Officer Performance. March 1964. 7 J %
doi:10.21236/ad0737685 fatcat:5423ehkbnfgfhpelrdmouti5gq