Psychopedagogical Predecessors of Connectivism as a New Paradigm of Learning

Roberto Sánchez Cabrero, Óscar Costa Román
2018 International Journal of Educational Excellence  
This article presents an historical overview of the main background theories of Connectivism, understood as a new paradigm of education. The object is to assess whether this new educational paradigm is an evolution from preceding schools or a revolutionary theory in the educational field. Psychoanalysis and the School of Gestalt are presented as the earliest antecedents, and the influence of Instructionism, Constructivism, Chaos Theory, Neuroscience, Network Theory and Theory of Complex
more » ... Systems will be analysed, as they are considered direct predecessors. The article concludes by reflecting the influences of several contemporary schools of educational theories such as the Theory of Conversation, the Actor-network theory, Network Learning, e-learning 2.0., Microlearning, Nanolearning, University 2.0., Curriculum 2.0., Pedagogy 2.0 and Navigationism. These schools complete the theoretical foundations on which Connectivism is based. As a consequence, Connectivism is only the evolution of previous schools and not a theoretical revolution in pedagogy. Its ideas represent the adaptation of previous theories to the current society, where social and communication technologies have changed the bases on which the knowledge and learning are based..
doi:10.18562/ijee.037 fatcat:s5464o4vajerlhaopjscinvtpu