دراسة عن کتاب التبصرة فی أصول الفقه ومؤلفه أبی إسحاق إبراهیم بن علی بن یوسف الفیروزآبادی الشیرازی المتوفى سنة 476هـ

بدر بن عبد الرحمن بن صالح الربعی
2022 مجلة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة والعربیة للبنات بدمنهور  
This research deals with the study of one of the fundamentalist books, which is a study on the book "Insight into the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence", authored by Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Ali bin Yusuf Al-Fayrouzabadi Al-Shirazi, who died in 674 AH. The different issues in Usul al-Fiqh, and its author Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi deposited his sayings and opinions, which were considered by those who wrote after him in Usul al-Fiqh. Authored by, and mentioned some of the drawbacks and observations contained
more » ... in the book. The research came in an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. As for the introduction: it mentioned the importance of the topic, the research problem, its method, and its plan, and the first topic came: a study about the author, and the second topic: a study of the book. Among the most important findings of the research is that the book Al-Tabsrah is the first book written by Al-Shirazi on the principles of jurisprudence, and that this book deals with the different issues between the Shafi'is and the Hanafis, and that its author investigated many of the issues in which the dispute occurred between the Shafi'is and the Hanafis, and explained his views in it and took a course in it Hardworking, not imitator.
doi:10.21608/jcia.2022.252597 fatcat:ag4i5o7pifdgpmm7katrijdhju