The influence of catamine AB on complexation scandium with pyrocatechin violet
Влияние катамина АБ на комплексообразование скандия с пирокатехиновым фиолетовым

Svetlana A. Denisova, Perm State University, Svetlana A. Zabolotnykh, Tatiana I. Goldobina, Perm State University, Institute of Technical Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm State University
2022 Вестник Пермского университета Серия «Химия» = Bulletin of Perm University CHEMISTRY  
Regularities of the complex formation of scandium with catechol violet in the presence of the cationic surfactant catamine AB in aqueous solutions are considered. The optimum pH interval of scandium complexation with the reagent in systems with and without catamine AB has been determined. The absorption spectra of pyrocatechin vio- let and its complexes with scandium in the double system and in the catamin AB presence at different pH values and surfactant concentrations were taken. The ratio of
more » ... metal ion and reagent in the forming complex in double and triple systems has been established by methods of saturation and isomolar series. Calibration graphs were constructed, molar light absorption coefficients were calculated, and conditional stability constants of scandium complexes with pyrocate- chin violet were determined by the Babko method.
doi:10.17072/2223-1838-2022-4-221-230 fatcat:lks4eioaqvfxzgznvb42utepga