Implementing the System, Instructor and Student Model to Achieve Required Software Quality Assurance

Fatima M.H. Amin, Nadir K. Salih, AwadElkarim Mohammed
2019 Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology  
This study implements the System, Instructor and Student Model to achieve required software quality assurance. A software application was developed considering the factors of System, Instructor and Student Model. ASP.NET is used for building the application along with C# programming language. The graphical user interface was built using HTML5. The application was tested over three educational institutions in Sudan. The obtained results were compared to determine if they are really satisfying
more » ... requirements, needs and acquisition of the right knowledge according to quality assurance. The model has easily corrected the mistakes in the previous models and addressed the defects that occurred. The results were accurate and promising. We hope that this model serves as a basis for the evaluation of other E-learning softwares in the future.
doi:10.19026/rjaset.16.5996 fatcat:ep73al6ovjeq3eauoorjgeb4ge