Satellite spectra for helium-like titanium [report]

F. Bely-Dubac, P. Faucher, L. Steeman-Clark, J. Dubau, C. Cammy-Val, M. Bitter, K.W. Hill, S. von Goeler
1982 unpublished
Wavelengths and atomic parameters for both dielectronic and inner-shell satellite lines of the type Is n£ -1s2J.' ni, with n = 2, 3, and 4, have been calculated for Ti XX. The atomic data were calculated in a mulr iconfiguration intermediate coupling scheme and are compared with previc -; results for n = 2. The intensities of the higher n satellites are derived from these data, and thus an estimate of the contribution of the unresolved dielectronic satellities to the resonance line is obtained.
more » ... Direct excitation rates are also given for the resonance, intercombination and forbidden lines for He-like titanium. Cascades and the effect of resonances for these lines are not considered in this paper. These results are used to fit an experimental soft X-ray spectrum from the PDX (Poloidal Divertor Experiment) tokamak discharge. Good agreement is obtained between computed and observed spectra.
doi:10.2172/5224545 fatcat:acqp7h52ona6bpzl3uz3jyfeim