ANZ volume 38 issue 2 Cover and Front matter

1996 The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series B Applied Mathematics  
T h e fractional Fourier transform and the Wigner distribution David Mustard 2W A two-sided shooting method in computation of travelling combustion waves of a solid material Andonowati 220 Propagation relations for solutions of s o m e higher order ("auchv problems I.. R. Bragg 22'» Withdrawal of layered fluid through a line sink in a porous m e d i u m H. Z h a n g and G. C. Hocking 240 Small Reynolds n u m b e r flow between eccentric rotating cylinders with a permeable sleeve
doi:10.1017/s0334270000000527 fatcat:pjcayl3bl5aopf3a2l7by4d4pe