The Baroque Idea: Lacan contra Deleuze, and Žižek's Unwritten Book!

Nadir Lahiji
Number Two   unpublished
As someone recently noticed, I am situated (je me range)-who situates me? is it him or is it me? that's a subtlety of llangauge-I am situated essentially on the side of the baroque. Jacques Lacan, Seminar XX Prologue Who forgot to notice that Lacan is situated on the side of the baroque? Who ignored this proclamation by Lacan? Many. Including Slavoj Žižek. What does it mean that Lacan is situated on the side of the baroque? Should we all follow the Master and situate ourselves on the side of
more » ... baroque? Does it matter to be on that side? In this essay I want to interrogate this matter and its forgetfulness.