Exploiting sample variability to enhance multivariate analysis of microarray data

C. S. Moller-Levet, C. M. West, C. J. Miller
2007 Bioinformatics  
Motivation: Biological and technical variability is intrinsic in any microarray experiment. While most approaches aim to account for this variability, they do not actively exploit it. Here, we consider a novel approach that uses the variability between arrays to provide an extra source of information that can enhance gene expression analyses. Results: We develop a method that uses sample similarity to incorporate sample variability into the analysis of gene expression profiles. This allows each
more » ... pairwise correlation calculation to borrow information from all the data in the experiment. Results on synthetic and human cancer microarray datasets show that the inclusion of this information leads to a significant increase in the ability to identify previously characterized relationships and a reduction in false discovery rate, when compared to a standard analysis using Pearson correlation. The information carried by the variability between arrays can be exploited to significantly improve the analysis of gene expression data.
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm441 pmid:17827205 fatcat:wrnfhg7a75d2hgboz647fz75hq