Enhance the Productivity of the Solar Still by Improving the Operational Parameters [dataset]

IJMER Journal, S. Starwin Jedidiah, I. Daniel Lawrence
2015 Figshare  
Graph 3 Time Vs Water collection (Modified still) Graph 4.Comparison between the Water collection Of Basic Still and Glass cover cooled still The solar intensity with respect to time is shown in graph 1. The peak solar flux is in 1 pm, in the amount of1490 W/m 2 . The cumulative water productivity with respect to time is shown in the graph 2. The daily water productivity of the basic and glass cooled solar still is 1.5liters and 1.7 liters respectively. Comparison of Basic Solar still and Glass
more » ... cooled Solar still Coupled with Solar pond: Graph 6. Time Vs Water collection (Basic still) Graph 5. Time Vs Solar radiation Enhance the Productivity of the Solar Still by Improving the Operational Parameters | IJMER | ISSN: 2249-6645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss.11| Nov. 2014 | 77| Graph 7.Time Vs Water collection (Glass cover Graph 8. Comparison between water Cooled still with solar pond) collection of Basic still and Glass cover cooled Solar still with solar pond Graph 5 shows that the hourly variation of solar radiation with respect to time. The productivity of the basic still and the glass cooled solar still integrated with the solar pond are 1560 ml and 1880 ml respectively. The productivity is improved due to the rise of inlet water temperature. Comparison of Basic Solar still and Glass cooled Solar still Coupled with Flat plate collector Graph 9.Time Vs Solar radiation Graph 10. Time Vs Water collection (Basic Still) Graph 11.Time Vs Water collection (GlassGraph12. Comparison between water collections of Basic still Cover cooled solar still with flat plate collector)and Glass cover cooled solar still with flat plate collector Enhance the Productivity of the Solar Still by Improving the Operational Parameters | IJMER | ISSN: 2249-6645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss.11| Nov. 2014 | 78| Graph 9 indicates the hourly increase and decrease in the solar radiation with respect to time. Condensation rate increases at the evening times due to the temperature difference between the water and the glass temperature. The temperature difference is caused by the reduction of ambient temperature during the evening times. The productivity range in basic and the modified are 1390ml to 2100ml respectively.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1291601.v1 fatcat:46arwlcihvf6bn4zfgyblhfqjy