Generation of Selling Data based on Properties of the Store

2016 Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering  
Supposing to start new restaurant, Y, estimation of selling data of it was carried out by using the data of existing similar restaurant, X. The scenario of estimation is as follows. Project implementing body, A, have no experience to manage restaurant. Hence, A have to estimate the selling data of Y which A is going to start in near future. Therefore, A tries to estimate the selling data of Y by comparing with the existing restaurant X which is already managed by other project implementing
more » ... B. Further, we tried to elucidate characteristics of restaurant business in comparison with other type of business, i.e. fashion apparel and mode business. In restaurant business, number of customers are restricted by the number of chairs and tables. However, fashion business doesn't have such a restriction, further number of items is huge.
doi:10.5057/jjske.tjske-d-16-00032 fatcat:ihcseq3v4vfzrjdjjyorq2yx4q