The Effect of a Group Counseling Program in Training in Communication Skills to Improve Self-Esteem and Adjustment in Male Children to Divorced Parents

D-Nagham Mohammad Abu-Albasal
2015 International Journal of Education  
<p>This study aimed to measure the impact of training on communication skills to improve<br />self-esteem and adapt children to divorced parents.<br />The study sample consisted of (12) participants in mail children to divorced parents in the<br />eighth grade in the school of Directorate of Education – Balqa Governorate for the scholastic<br />year calendar 2012-2013.<br />The study sample was divided into two groups:- first an experimental group of (6) students<br />were subjected to
more » ... e guidance program on training for communication skills<br />consisting of eight sessions. Second a control group consisting of (6) students were not<br />exposed to any address.<br />The participants in both groups answered a scale of self-esteem and adjustment scale before<br />and after the application of the program. Results indicated the effectiveness of training on<br />communication skills program where appeared statistically significant differences in favor of<br />the experimental group compared to the control group in self-esteem and in the level of<br />adaption.</p>
doi:10.5296/ije.v7i4.8761 fatcat:nkmdqd4fjnh7xi37rt7wgot7da