The Effect of English Language and Literature on the Development of Students' Language Ability

2018 2018 4th International Conference on Education, Management and Information Technology (ICEMIT 2018)   unpublished
Keywords: English language and literature; language development. Abstract: Living in a social environment, each of us needs to communicate with others. The quality of a person's language is directly related to the establishment of his contacts and to the development of his space. Just as an ancient Chinese saying goes, "Good words warm people in winter, and the evil language hurts people in June." Students need the ability to communicate with others, need to learn the mysteries of speaking, and
more » ... need to improve language skills. College and university is an ivory tower for teaching and educating people, and teachers also develop students' language skills as a teaching task. In the process of learning language, it is necessary to improve language ability by learning literature. English language and literature have the effect of cultivating students' language ability. This paper analyzes the necessity of improving students' English language ability, discusses the rationality of students' learning English language and literature, and puts forward the effect of English language and literature on the cultivation of students' language ability according to the current situation of contemporary college English language and literature.
doi:10.25236/icemit.2018.219 fatcat:c554h26qdzbpfckkelmh4rlerm