Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Study of Electron-Exciton Coupling in High-T_{c} Cuprates

F. Barantani, M. K. Tran, I. Madan, I. Kapon, N. Bachar, T. C. Asmara, E. Paris, Y. Tseng, W. Zhang, Y. Hu, E. Giannini, G. Gu (+5 others)
2022 Physical Review X  
Explaining the mechanism of superconductivity in the high-T_{c} cuprates requires an understanding of what causes electrons to form Cooper pairs. Pairing can be mediated by phonons, the screened Coulomb force, spin or charge fluctuations, excitons, or by a combination of these. An excitonic pairing mechanism has been postulated, but experimental evidence for coupling between conduction electrons and excitons in the cuprates is sporadic. Here we use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to monitor
more » ... the temperature dependence of the [under d]_d exciton spectrum of Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8-x} crystals with different charge carrier concentrations. We observe a significant change of the [under d]_d exciton spectra when the materials pass from the normal state into the superconductor state. Our observations show that the [under d]_d excitons start to shift up (down) in the overdoped (underdoped) sample when the material enters the superconducting phase. We attribute the superconductivity-induced effect and its sign reversal from underdoped to overdoped to the exchange coupling of the site of the [under d]_d exciton to the surrounding copper spins.
doi:10.1103/physrevx.12.021068 doaj:2c8d3747a05b45e5ac991429d60127a1 fatcat:ofsw4oufq5hfxmdsrwdyng6ste