Unauthorized Radio Transmissions and Failure of Regulatory Authorities: Case Study of Pakistan (Malakand Region)

Musa Khan, Manzoor Khan Afridi, Musab Yousufy
2015 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences  
Radio is an effective tool of Media that has a strong effect on the behavior of people and plays an important role in the process of setting minds of people towards an issue in positive or in negative way. In Malakand division, of Pakistan where the literacy level is low, areas are vast and means of communication are insufficient, FM broadcasting is very effective, important and advance instrument because of locality, closeness, quickness, easy access, easy operation, cheap, and large scale
more » ... h. In this research paper it has been investigated and discussed through qualitative and quantitative research that in the era of militancy many groups operated FM radios without any licenses or permission. This study finds out the role of state toward these unauthorized transmissions in the cited area. In-depth interviews and purposive sampling technique were used for data collection. It is examined that what and how was the response of relevant authorities toward unauthorized transmissions of radio. The reasons of failure of regulatory authorities toward unauthorized transmissions also have been investigate and discussed.
doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s1p238 fatcat:35vsef3rcvealg6qrrsscr7ypa