Toward single pilot operations

Joel Lachter, Summer L. Brandt, Vernol Battiste, Sarah V. Ligda, Michael Matessa, Walter W. Johnson
2014 Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace - HCI-Aero '14  
This document describes the second human-in-the-loop study in a series that examines the role of a ground operator in enabling single pilot operations (SPO). The focus of this study was decision-making and communication between a distributed crew (airborne pilot and ground operator). A prototype ground station and tools designed to enhance collaboration were also assessed for further development. Eighteen crews flew challenging, off-nominal scenarios in three configurations: Baseline (current
more » ... o-pilot operations) and SPO with and without Collaboration Tools. Subjective ratings were largely favorable to SPO; however, there was preference for the Baseline configuration. Crew comments suggest improvements to increase the usability of the collaboration tools.
doi:10.1145/2669592.2669685 fatcat:b4mufszypzaftg6w6j7rkqxp2e