Bariumanreicherung in den Müllerschen Körperchen der Loxodidae (Ciliata, Holotricha) / Accumulation of Barium in Müller's Bodies of the Loxodidae (Ciliata, Holotricha)

G. Hubert, N. Rieder, G. Schmitt, W. Send
1975 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences  
It is shown by energy-dispersive x-ray analysis that the Müller's bodies of Loxodidae consist of BaSO4. Therefore statocyst function can be assumed for these bodies. The route of biosyntheses is not yet investigated.
doi:10.1515/znc-1975-5-622 fatcat:o3rwofgwabcmreuw5ebcpybrw4