Transformer Health Monitoring and Protection Using IoT

Dr. Sachin Gee Paul, Ashik Santhosh, Binto Thambi, Denit Shibu, Devaprasad P
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: Distribution Transformers are a critical part of the electrical power system. Data collection and transformer condition monitoring are very important for preventing transformer failures. In order to monitor the transformer, the operator has to visit the transformer premises. The main purpose of the project is to monitor the transformer parameters such as temperature, current, voltage, and oil level using IoT. Sensor networks are used to obtain transformer parameters. This system can
more » ... nimize work effort, improve accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. Thisreceived data is sent to the Arduino UNO microcontroller.The recorded data is sent through ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module and accessed from anywhere around the world using IOT technology using HTTP protocol. This helps in identifying without human dependency. This helps in identifying and solving a problem before a failure without human dependency
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.45510 fatcat:45wco6lk2zhexnh7knqovualnm