Numerical comparisons involving different 'concrete-models'

Michael A. Crisfield, John Wills
Comparaisons numériques sur la base de différents modèles de béton Numerische Vergleiche verschiedener Beton-Modelle Michael Crisfield obtained both his B.Sc. and Ph.D. at the Queen's University of Belfast. Since that time he has mainly worked at the Transport and Road Research Laboratory on the application of non-linear finite element methods to bridge structures. John Wills graduated from Cambridge University in 1955 with a First Class Honours Degree in Mechanical Sciences. He worked for ten
more » ... ears in the gas-turbine research field before joining the Transport and Road Research Laboratory where he is working on the numerical analysis of bridge structures. SUMMARY The paper applies different concrete models to the finite element analysis of simple reinforced-concrete panels subject to monotonically increasing states of uniform stress. The panels involve: a) a hypothetical model designed to test the limit-loads when idealised material properties are assumed and b) Vecchio and Collins' experimental panels. The different 'concrete models' involve: 1) fixed orthogonal-cracks, 2) 'swinging cracks' in which the directions of principal stress and principal strain are assumed to coincide, 3) a modification to the previous model whereby the stress in one swinging direction is influenced by the strain in the swinging direction, 4) simple plasticity-models involving both flow and deformation theory which assume no-tension and a 'square yield-criterion'.
doi:10.5169/seals-41928 fatcat:dls6r3jcp5ccbfkip7mxgrtvee