A Comparison Study for the Pricing of Automobile Insurance Premium Based on Credibility
신뢰도에근거한자동차보험 가격산출비교

Yeong-Hwa Kim, Hyun-Soo Lee
2010 Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods  
Calculating or estimating the proper insurance premium is very important decision making process for both the policyholder and the insurance company. The credibility theory is one of the most important theories in actuarial science to get the proper premium. In this research, we introduce the rule of relative exposure volume, the square root rule and the Bühlmann credibility, and estimate the new premiums based on these methods. By real data analysis, the accuracy of these credibility methods are compared.
doi:10.5351/ckss.2010.17.5.713 fatcat:7zrex6zgb5ajroykg3lwbnxpfy