Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure Integration Into The Electric Grid Considering The Net Benefits To Consumers

Vivian Sultan, Hind Bitar, Ahmed Alzahrani, Brian Hilton
The Electric Vehicle (EV) market is one of the most rapidly changing and fastest growing high-tech sectors in the United States. The relatively small number of large-scale public vehicle-charging stations makes recharging electric vehicles problematic, if not impossible at times. This study aims at addressing "How to properly integrate EV charging infrastructure into the electricity system and deliver net benefits to the consumers?" To answer the research question, we have built a prototype of
more » ... eographic Decision Support Systems (GDSS), which is an elegant, interesting, and novel solution, to demonstrate how an interactive, computer-based system can assist in decision-making considering the net benefits to consumers and the potential benefits to the grid. The proposed solution provides evidence that GIS can play an integral role in the problem domain.