Consumer Information Systems Development [chapter]

Tuure Tuunanen, Michael D. Myers, Harold Cassab
Consumer Information Systems and Relationship Management  
2 Volume 12 Issue 4 Article 1 EDITORIAL NEWS This issue completes our 12 th volume and our third volume as a journal of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). It is also our pleasure to announce the co-operation agreements with two AIS Special Interest Groups, the AIS SIG for Services and the AIS SIG Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology, as well as the IFIP Working Group 8.2 for Information Systems and Organizations, and Design Science Research in Information Systems and
more » ... nology (DESRIST). Our goal is to publish a special section or a special issue for each of these communities. In the future, we look forward to welcoming other interested research communities, and thus further developing the journal.
doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4082-5.ch001 fatcat:hrwdoxdswzgflpccki5kpqmogi