Convention of Contemporary Urban Fantasy Contents
현대형 도시 판타지 콘텐츠의 컨벤션

Dong-Hee Shin, Hee-Kyung Kim
2013 The Journal of the Korea Contents Association  
A convention is a customary channel that not only distinguishes the contemporary urban fantasy contents from other genres but also feels familiar with users for its currency. To begin with, the study defines the fantasy investigating the types of the fantasies, the time and the space which are regarded as the world of the fantasy, the fantasy storytelling and the convention, the custom of the fantasy. Next, the meaning and the convention of the contemporary urban fantasy contents are discussed.
more » ... Ultimately, through the contemporary urban fantasy contents analysis, the study traces changes in the fantasy genres understanding how the convention destruction of the fantasy genre generates the convention in contemporary urban fantasy contents. Finally, the study proposes the directions of the convention in contemporary urban fantasy contents production which would provide us with a new experience and a dimension of fun. ■ keyword :|Fantasy|Modified Fantasy|Contemporary Urban Fantasy|Convention|Contents|
doi:10.5392/jkca.2013.13.03.087 fatcat:dz5n4j7au5hqtkyp4sfzdnmudi