Poučevanje zdravstvene vzgoje v srednjem izobraževanju

Marija Hajdinjak
1990 Obzornik zdravstvene nege  
UDKlUDC 61:373.5 DESKRIPTORJI: zdravstvena vzgoja; šole IZVLEČEK -Namen sestavka je prikazati, kako je predmet postal del učnega programa, kako poteka poučevanje in kakšne so izkušnje na eni izmed srednjih šol. Prikazane so nekatere metode, še zlasti skupinsko delo. Sestavek želi opozoriti na nekatere probleme v zvezi s poučevanjem, pa tudi na to, da je delo v razredu skoraj v celotí odvisno od emocionalnega in inovativnega pristopa posameznega učitelja. HEALTH EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLlNG
more » ... ESCRIPTORS: health education; schools ABSTRACT -The intention oj the present article is to show how the subject has become a part oj the curriculum, to illustrate the lessons and describe our experience at one oj the secondary schools. Some methods are explained, especially group work. In the article, we wanted to point out some problems connected with the teaching oj the subject and to call attention to the Jact that the work in the classroom almost entirely depends on the emotional and inventive approach oj the teacher.
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