Integration of SCARA Robot for Pick and Place Application using PLC

Parvathi Priya V, Jayasuriya Suresh
2021 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Combinatorial and Optimization, ICCAP 2021, December 7-8 2021, Chennai, India   unpublished
In the world of automating factories, automating the process of picking, and placing various items for applications such as sorting, and packaging has become quite popular. Instead of wasting manpower on a repetitive and monotonous task, industries have begun to pass on the task to robots preferably SCARA robots or 6 axis robots. This paper describes how the automation of a pick and place operation is achieved by integrating the robot in an existing production line. The robot used for this
more » ... cation was Epson T6 SCARA robot coupled with Epson's vision system, the CV2 vision system. A Panasonic Programmable Logic Controller was used for other functions such as conveyor movement of trays. A Graphical User Interface based on PyQt5, a pythonbased application screen was developed. Testing has been done and the robot has been successfully installed onto the production line.
doi:10.4108/eai.7-12-2021.2314569 fatcat:xvlp6iqy7zg6vj3t7cuj22fiea