Safe Patient Care: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among ICU Nurses

Lillykutty M. J, Josy A Mathew, Dhanya Jose
2018 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  
The present study describes nurses' knowledge, attitude and self-reported practice regarding safe patient care. A quantitative descriptive correlational design study, using purposive sampling technique was conducted on 70 ICU nurses. The overall indicates that majority of the sample has good knowledge (93%) and positive attitude (87%) towards safe patient care. All sample (100%) reported good patient safety practices. The findings of the study also show no association between knowledge with
more » ... ational status and years of experience (χ2 =0.021, 0.86) at 0.05 level of significance. The association between attitude with educational status and year of experience (χ2 =152.56, 80.2) are statistically significant at .05 level. While there is a cor exists between knowledge and practice (r=0.361, p=0.002) at 0.05 level of significance, the correlation between knowledge and attitude (r=0.208, p=0.084), practice and attitude (r=0.032, p=0.795) are not significant at 0.05 level.
doi:10.31142/ijtsrd15882 fatcat:cyysci3lrbdk3cr5pdbpivbulm