Comparative Analysis of Calculation of Buildings Drainage Systems [chapter]

P. Arrué, A. M Romero, A. C Cárcel
2015 Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering  
The CTE in their exigency DB HS-5 marks the directives of specific legislative character in the engineered design of building drainage systems, of generalist character whose analysis is the object of this article. The investigators Hunter, Babbitt and Dawson-Kalinske, studied the behavior of the free fall of the water in the vertical network proposing empirical equations of calculation, with the purpose of being able to evacuate residual waters in the skyscrapers. Later with the investigations
more » ... f Karman, Prandtl, J. Nikuradse, C.F. Colebrook and C. White, in the field of the Mechanics of Fluids is possible to use this science in the sizing of the facilities of analytical form with a greater specification of the calculation variables. As resulting from comparative the CTE proposes minors calibers that those of the empirical and analytical methods of calculation, result that there is to interpret from the specification of the variables.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-12754-5_7 fatcat:zcxe2ttapndn7ch2thas7yjtoi