Key Characteristics of a Successful IS Manager: Empowerment, Leadership and personality

Louis P. White, Constance M. Lafayette
2012 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems  
This study examines the relationship between empowerment of IS managers and IS department performance. Data on perceived empowerment, leadership styles, and personality; department performance were collected from 148 managers of IS departments in Taiwan. Information on organizational culture and structure were investigated to assess the moderating effects of these factors on empowerment and performance. Our findings show that highly empowered IS managers have higher performing IS departments.
more » ... ndings also show that transformational leadership has a positive impact on performance. Data from the BFPI indicate that conscientiousness and agreeableness, as managerial traits, have a significant positive effect on performance. The same was not true for Extroversion, Neuroticism, and Openness which had no significant impact on performance. The results are limited by our small sample and the inclusion of data from a single global region. Suggestions are offered for future research to overcome these limitations
doi:10.17705/1pais.04401 fatcat:jpesbprwije2xiuwtinxahkld4