Numerical evaluation of the pipe-pile buckling during vibratory driving in sand

Montaser Bakroon, Reza Daryaei, Daniel Aubram, Frank Rackwitz, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin
The buckling of steel pipe piles during vibratory driving is numerically studied using the Multi-Material Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (MMALE) method. This method handles the large soil deformations that occur during pile driving and other geotechnical installation processes. The Mohr-Coulomb and an elastic-perfectly plastic material model are used to model the soil and the pile mechanical behavior, respectively. The result of a small-scale pile driving experiment is used to validate the
more » ... cal model. The penetration trend agrees well with the experimental measurements. Thereafter, four case scenarios and their possible effects on pile buckling, namely the presence of heterogeneity in the soil (a rigid boulder inside the soil) and the existence of geometrical imperfection modes in the pile (ovality, out-of-straightness, flatness) are investigated. This study shows that a combination of local and global buckling initiates at the pile tip and the pile shaft, respectively. During the initiation of buckling, a decrease in the penetration rate of the pile is observed compared to the case where no or minimal buckling occurs. It is shown that a less portion of the driving energy is spent on the pile penetration and the rest is spent on other phenomena such as buckling, resulting in less pile penetration. The cross section of the pile tip after buckling takes a form of a "peanut", yet with a different geometry for each case. In cases where the model was initially symmetric, an asymmetric shape in cross section of the pile tip was obtained at the final stage which can be attributed to complex soil-structure interaction. The results of the numerical approach provide promising results to be used as an evaluation tool to reach reliable predictions in pile installation practice.
doi:10.14279/depositonce-9566 fatcat:4jit6pfwurb2rabi555anstmmi