Homoerotyka i autocenzura. Nowe spojrzenie na wczesną twórczość poetycką Szmuela Jankewa Imbera

Adam Stepnowski
2020 Studia Judaica  
Homoerotics and self-censorship: New views on the early poetry of shmuel yankev imber This article explores queer traits in the early poetry of Shmuel Yankev Imber. The paper identifies those spaces, where the sexual identity of the lyrical "I"was fluid and defied the sexual, social and literary norms of the poet's time. The article emphasizes acts of self-censorship that occurred within Imber's oeuvre in the short period between 1909 and 1914 when the poet published his second book. The
more » ... also discusses the social and literary context in which Imber lived and worked.
doi:10.4467/24500100stj.20.004.12918 fatcat:fzxx5o3q75g57eez4mu6dfkt24