Thanatology in the Russian and Spanish Traditions (To the Problem Statement)
Танатология в русской и испанской традициях (к постановке проблемы)

Yu.N. Girin, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2022 Art & Culture Studies  
The article presents the experience of analysing two typologically isomorphic cultures on the basis of thanatological constants that determine them. The author proceeds from the idea that the Spanish and Russian cultures are typologically similar in the following basis: both of these cultures are deeply telluric; from the point of view of civilizationology, both belong to the border type of cultures; the formation of both cultures took place under the influence of the long-term domination of
more » ... eign conquerors (Arab and Horde, respectively), which led to the actualization of the thanatological code. The author believes that in the context of typological comparison, the identification specificity of one or another subject of culture is revealed. The result of the comparative study allowed identifying the structural features and substantive differences of these determinants, which are the most important components of the national culture code. The main difference between the Spanish thanatological complex and the Russian one is that the former is essentially telluric, while the latter is immanently eschatological.
doi:10.51678/2226-0072-2022-4-12-33 fatcat:5ucmidmizreznp32ywa72xxhdu