Periodismo político en España. Prácticas, roles y actitudes

María Luisa Humanes Humanes, Manuel Martínez Nicolás, Enric Saperas Lapiedra
2014 Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico  
The general aim is to characterize Spanish political journalism through the discourse of editors of the po litical sections, to verify the extent to which it conforms to the model of a polarized pluralist media sys tem. In Spain has had a consolidated advocacy oriented journalism, which either made the journalist part of the party or organization's strategy, or an advocate of a particular ideology. According to Hallin and Mancini we consider two indicators of political parallelism: the
more » ... tic orientation and practices, and the relations between the media and the political system. The data were obtained through indepth interviews with 14 editors. The results suggest that the Spanish political journalism meets two basic fe atures: high levels of political parallelism and polarization. With regard to relations between politicians and journalists, they reveal an attitude of mistrust against politicians.
doi:10.5209/rev_esmp.2013.v19.n2.43467 fatcat:npjkgkaejjexfk74okml5y4jdm