The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, February 13, 1912] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Bute*-S|>ecial r«,'uIati<>oa (or iiHt-i in»,'h t : rctocn, (.(ay, .urr'rrcou":;^^. 16 PteSONS DROWNED AFTER COLUSiON Fct>. i;i f' drowaad »h.-n Iho .lal •«•••■• rt eoUlded. and l«ih wore----------.eaiyU betwen the dock* without r>' »i* aiiiluro ami )ias> oho 11.,ru and Hon Ma Host o( the I awnKvr> were cliancc "( c ■EPORT Of SHEPHERD'S MAIDEN SPEECH
doi:10.25316/ir-10435 fatcat:nnydlxnxw5dktksero3dg2gt6u