Distribution and Assessment of Heavy Metal Levels Using Geoaccumulation Index and Pollution Load Index in Lake Edku Sediments, Egypt

Yousef Ahmed Annaas Waheshi
2017 International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis  
The aim of this study is to determine and assessment of some heavy metals content (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co and Pb) in the sediment of Lake Edku. Surface sediment samples were collected in September (summer) 2016. The metals content in the Lake sediments decreased in the order of Fe > Mn >Cr >Co >Zn > Cu >Ni= Pb. The range and average ±SD concentrations (µgg -1 ) of the investigated heavy metals were 30275-43312 (38822±4312) for Fe; 781.8-3432 (1923.6±855) for Mn; 53.8-107 (82.5 ± 18) for Zn;
more » ... 55.2-91.5(72.3 ± 13) for Cu;87.3-158.8(113.1 ± 24) for Cr; 23.0-63.3(45.0 ± 13.0) for Ni; 81.5-117.8(98.9±11.0) for Co and 32.9 -55.2 (44.6 ± 8.0) for Pb. The enrichment factor of the study area (EF mean values) have the order of EF Co > EF Mn >EF Pb > EF Cu >EF Cr >EF Zn >EF Ni . According to the geoaccumulation index (Igeo classification), the study area may be practically unpolluted with Fe, Zn, Ni and Cr (Igeo ranged from -2.15 to -0.41) along the study area. On the other hand, the Igeo of Co ranged from moderately to strongly pollutedarea. In addition, a lower degree of pollution was found in the sediments by the other heavy metals; Pb and Cu (unpolluted to moderate). The Pollution Load Index (PLI) indicated that station IX was characterized by low level of PLI with value of 1.25 while the other stations (ranged from 1.50 to 1.67).
doi:10.11648/j.ijema.20170501.11 fatcat:hphvlxyfnbdcrnjjl5e56awrzq