Comparative production performance of Hubbard, Vencobb and Vencobb-400 broiler strains during tropical summer season

Dharmendra Kumar Singh, Vinay Kumar Singh, Vinod Kumar Paswan
2018 Indian Journal of Animal Research  
In this study Comparative production performance of three broiler strains namely, Hubbard, Vencobb and Vencobb-400 was explored in tropical summer season of Eastern Uttar Pradesh state of India. Experiment was conducted on 450 broiler chicks, 150 chicks of each strain with three replications of 50 birds each. The performance of the broiler strains were measured in terms of feed intake, body weight gain and FCR, dressing and mortality percentage. Their performance on the aforementioned criteria
more » ... as observed, three times, at the age of 14 days, 28 days and 42 days during the experimental period. It was observed that there exists a significant difference in performance in terms of feed intake, live weight, body weight gain and FCR among the three broiler strains during the experimental period and even at each stage of experimental age of 14, 28 and 42 day. The mortality was also significantly different in each strain and at each stage of experimental age. There was a significant difference in the dressing percentage among the three strains of broilers at the age of 42 days. Results indicated that Vencobb-400 performed best followed by the Hubbard strain. Therefore, both Vencobb-400 and Hubbard broiler strains may be recommended as economic and more suitable for rearing in tropical summer season of Eastern Uttar Pradesh of India.
doi:10.18805/ijar.b-3553 fatcat:k5l5qmx3gbgbnbnm4v7fgy4bo4