Turbulence measurements with a tethered balloon

G. Canut, F. Couvreux, M. Lothon, D. Legain, B. Piguet, A. Lampert, E. Moulin
2016 Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions  
This study presents the first deployment of a turbulence probe below a tethered balloon in field campaigns. This system allows to measure turbulent temperature fluxes, momentum fluxes as well as turbulent kinetic energy in the lower part of the boundary layer. It is composed of a sonic thermoanemometer and inertial motion sensor. It has been validated during three campaigns with different convective boundary layer conditions using turbulent measurements from atmospheric towers and aircraft.
doi:10.5194/amt-2015-386 fatcat:p2cikm3kpnd23oca4623ewnoda