Excitation and Reception of Electromagnetic, Magnetostatic and Spin Waves in Ferrite Films

S. V. Zagriadski, S. Choi
2002 Electromagnetic Waves  
The paper presents a new universal formulation of electromagnetic fields in microwave ferrite-dielectric waveguiding structures from the given magnetic field distribution of an external source. The solution is derived from the linearized Landau-Lifshits equation using an orthogonality condition for eigenwaves of a magnetization. The magnetization excited in ferrite is obtained in an electrodynamic, magnetostatic or dipole-exchange approximation, depending on the approximation used for
more » ... . Results are applied for the formulation and the analytical solution of self-consistent electrodynamic problems of an excitation and a reception of waves in ferrite films by transmission lines of an arbitrary type. Numerical calculations are performed for filters and delay lines on the base of symmetric strip-lines using surface and forward volume magnetostatic waves in ferrite films.
doi:10.2528/pier01061101 fatcat:tr235wgm3vagpnegr27kr2gbu4