Wireless Resource Allocation among Cooperative Relays and Non-cooperative Agents

Junjik Bae
2008 unpublished
This thesis focuses on resource allocation in wireless communication and networking. Resource allocation has been studied widely, for example, to maximize the system-wide throughput or to minimize the average delay per user. Moreover, the utility-based framework is becoming an important tool for addressing fairness and Quality-of-Service (QoS) for individual users. With this framework, therefore, we study wireless resource allocation for relay extensions in a cellular network and dynamic
more » ... m sharing among non-cooperative agents. In the first part of the thesis, we study the centralized resource allocation problems among cooperative agents. Especially, the relay extension in a cellular network is focused on, including in-band relays in IEEE 802.16j and out-of-band relays with Wi-Fi access points. Here, the base station optimizes the time or power allocation such that I would like to thank my two advisers, Professor Michael L. Honig and Professor Randall Berry. I have had a privilege to work closely with them during the past five years. They gave me support when I needed it most and they provided inspiration and dedication to my professional developments when I was wandering around.
doi:10.21985/n2hm9s fatcat:h7z5m2sevvfuhjtyacxivc2i5y