Term-rewriting as a basis for a uniform architecture in machine translation

Wilhelm Weisweber
1992 Proceedings of the 14th conference on Computational linguistics -   unpublished
In machine translation (MT) different levels of representation can be used to translate a source language sentence onto its target language equivalent. These levels have to be related to each other. This paper describes a declarative formalism on the basis of term-rewriting which maps one representation onto an equivalent adjacent one. The different levels (e.g. represented by derivational trees, feature structures or expressions of a knowledge representation language) can be represented as
more » ... s. The equivalences between them are stated as axioms which are directed to form a non-confluent and terminating term-rewrite system. A courplete and coherent' algorithm has been developexl which interprets these systems and is able to handle default rules. ACTES DE COLING-92, Nhr, rrEs, 23-28 AOt]T 1992 7 7 7
doi:10.3115/992133.992189 fatcat:7pelu4v2qjesfgafzy4lbv2axy