Milk yield of cows submitted to different levels of olive pomace in the diet

Brunele Weber Chaves, Gustavo Argenta Figueira Valles, Rudolf Brand Scheibler, Jorge Schafhauser Junior, Jose Laerte Nornberg
2020 Acta Scientiarum: Animal Sciences  
The cultivation of olive trees is expanding in Brazil, mainly in Rio Grande do Sul in order to meet the demand for olive oil, the main product of the industrialization of olives. However, from the extraction, there is a significant generation of waste. This residue has high moisture and an appropriate destination is necessary given its environmental and economic importance. The chemical composition of the residue is similar to other products used in animal feed, such as corn silage or sorghum,
more » ... n relation to DM, CP and NDF, the differential being high levels of EE and ADL. In order to evaluate the replacement of corn silage by the extraction residue of olive oil (olive pomace), eight Holstein dairy cow, between 90 and 100 days of lactation, were used, making a double Latin square (4x4). Analyzes were made regarding animals, feed and milk product in order to verify the feasibility of the substitution. The inclusion of olive pomace, conserved as silage, to replace corn silage, in the diet of lactating cows up to 15% (dry basis) does not alter milk production, as well as its composition and feed efficiency.
doi:10.4025/actascianimsci.v43i1.51158 fatcat:e4gyny6h3bdijg5r57rbgn2u6e