Qualidade de vida em pacientes com cardioversor desfibrilador implantável: utilização do questionário SF-36

Claudia Bernardi Cesarino, Lúcia Marinilza Beccaria, Mariana Magalhães Aroni, Léa Carolina Correa Rodrigues, Sirley da Silva Pacheco
2011 Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery  
Objective: To observe the quality of life of patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). Methods: This is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Data collection was done through an interview. The Questionnaire SF-36 was used to analyze data, which has been collected in a cardiovascular outpatient service. Fifty patients with this device took part in the study during their medical follow-up from January to December. Results: Of the 50 patients, 19 (38%) were female
more » ... nd 31 (62%) male. The mean age of the patients was 58.4 years, with ages ranging from 21 to 75 years. It was observed two domains regarding limitations by physical and emotional profiles below score 50. The domain social profiles presented the higher score 80.5. Most of the patients reported that their health was a little better compared with a year ago. Conclusion: The results showed a loss in the patients' quality of life, with lower scores in the physical and emotional profiles. There was no correlation between quality of life with the variables age, sex, marital status and education level. However, patients feel relieved and secure with the benefits provided by ICD in maintaining their lives by protecting them from sudden death. Descriptors : Defibrillators, Implantable. Quality of Life. Death, Sudden. Arrhythmia, Sinus. Resumo Objetivo: Verificar a qualidade de vida em pacientes portadores de cardioversor desfibrilador implantável (CDI) por meio do Questionário SF-36. Métodos: Pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa realizada em um ambulatório de Cardiologia, por meio de entrevista e do Questionário SF-36 a 50 portadores de CDI durante a consulta médica de acompanhamento, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2009. Resultados: Dentre os indivíduos incluídos no estudo, 19 (38%) eram do gênero feminino e 31 (62%), do masculino. A idade média foi de 58,4 anos, variando de 21 a 75 anos. CESARINO, CB ET AL -Quality of life of patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator: the usage of SF-36 Questionnaire Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc 2011; 26(2):238-43 CESARINO, CB ET AL -Quality of life of patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator: the usage of SF-36 Questionnaire Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc 2011; 26(2):238-43 SD -Standard Deviation; ICD -implantable cardioverterdefibrillator
doi:10.1590/s0102-76382011000200014 fatcat:cmhn6ax6nvhs3ipd7v7mxag32a