Future of Stereoscopic 3D through the Analysis of Realistic Media Art
실감미디어 아트 분석을 통한 3D 입체영상의 미래 조망

Hee-Young Kim, Chang-Ok Shin
2012 The Journal of the Korea Contents Association  
Generally today's culture and the arts industry has been focusing more on economic value than the arts. Therefore this paper will elucidate the meaning of the culture and the arts can be a break though which can only include commercial and economic values but transcend its values ultimately. First of all, this paper will suggest an advanced 3D stereoscopic images by analysis of examples and environments of realistic media arts. Looking into the changes of related technologies and market
more » ... ents, the motion-recognition technology, as seem in SF film "Minority report", has become a feasible technology. In the past, 3D stereoscopic images were shown in the theme park theatre and exhibition halls for group viewing. but recent 3D TV and display devices have changed those environments to personal. Since domestic researches of realistic media art has been little, this paper will analyze them respecting to three broad classifications. The results are : Firstly, in CAVE method, more impact capabilities of spectators are expected that they can manipulate interactive interfaces freely and the physical movements of spectators can operate interactively. Secondly, inter-network communications and expansion of viewers' perceptions are predicted by way of HMD method, sensor suites and communication equipments. Thirdly, combinations of HMD and motion tracking utilization is foreseen. With the convergent usages of these three features, we can prospect the possibilities of interactive 4D that spectators wearing 3D stereoscopic display devices can experience and make their own 3D stereoscopic images actively at the point of their views.
doi:10.5392/jkca.2012.12.01.091 fatcat:t3aqywfzcnfbncytshvkfivyby