Surveying the Relationship between Information Technology and Efficiency of Human Resources at Islamic Azad University

Seyyed Karim Tabatabai, Hjjossein Alipour
2015 Oman Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review  
This study has done to surveying the relationship between Information technology and efficiency of human resources at Islamic Azad University in Ardabil province. We have used Cochran model to determine the sample size of research that were 242. To gathering of data, we used questionnaire. The questionnaire includes 38 items are rated using a 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics i.e. frequencies, valid percent, the means, and standard deviations were used to describe data. Spearman
more » ... lation test was also applied to determine whether or not relationships between organizational justice as independent variables and the strategy implementation as dependent variable. The data were analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS). Fings show that there is a relationship between Information technology and efficiency of human resources variable was Information Technology and dependent variable was human resources (Turnover, Number of tasks achieved, Report and speed of workflow) at Islamic Azad University.
doi:10.12816/0019068 fatcat:bo2lso5xenc4rb5qbpvat3526y