Pathological demand avoidance: my thoughts on looping effects and commodification of autism

Richard Woods
2017 Disability & Society  
Hacking (1995) suggests autism is a human kind, and has used autism to discuss their evolution over time. Looping effects caused the autism human kind to evolve since 1995, with people identifying with the autism human kind, and the commodification of the autism human kind by the Autism Industry. Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) was created from the looping effects controlled by the Autism Industry. This has undermined autism self-advocacy by supporting the medical paradigm of the autism
more » ... n kind. By refusing to engage with PDA, people of the autism human kind limit the commodification of autism; creating greater emancipation.
doi:10.1080/09687599.2017.1308705 fatcat:65g65ll7hfbnplkco2urvdo7be