Dynamical spin-to-charge conversion on the edge of quantum spin Hall insulator

Yasufumi Araki, Takahiro Misawa, Kentaro Nomura
2020 Physical Review Research  
We theoretically show that the edge of a quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI), attached to an insulating ferromagnet (FM), can realize a highly efficient spin-to-charge conversion. Based on a one-dimensional QSHI-FM junction, the electron dynamics on the QSHI edge is analyzed, driven by a magnetization dynamics in the FM. Under a large gap opening on the edge from the magnetic exchange coupling, we find that the spin injection into the QSHI edge gets suppressed while the charge current driven on
more » ... he edge gets maximized, demanded by the band topology of the one-dimensional helical edge states.
doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.2.023195 fatcat:evv2xnjn2rbotc6s2by5nhaxsq