Comparative study of multi-2D, Full 3D and hybrid strategies for multi/hyperspectral image compression

J. Delcourt, A. Mansouri, T. Sliwa, Y. Voisin
2009 2009 Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis  
In this paper, we investigate appropriate strategies for multi/hyperspectral image compression. In particular, we compare the classic multi-2D compression strategy and two different implementations of 3D strategies (Full 3D and hybrid). All strategies are combined with a PCA decorrelation stage to optimize performance. For multi-2D and hybrid strategies, we propose a weighted version of PCA. Finally, for consistent evaluation, we propose a larger comparison framework than the conventionally
more » ... PSNR. The results are significant and show the weaknesses and strengths of each strategy.
doi:10.1109/ispa.2009.5297748 fatcat:g5ld4nxh5zh4vmbuc6qwrcldne