Minimum-cost QoS multicast and unicast routing in communication networks

Guoliang Xue
2003 IEEE Transactions on Communications  
In this paper, we study the minimum-cost quality-ofservice multicast and unicast routing problems in communication networks. For the multicast problem, we present an efficient approximation algorithm to find a balance between a minimum-cost multicast tree and a minimum-delay multicast tree, with a provably good performance under the condition that link delay and link cost are identical. For the unicast problem, we present an efficient primal-dual heuristic algorithm to find a path which
more » ... path cost and path delay, together with an error bound. The lack of a provably good performance for the second algorithm is complemented by computational results on randomly generated networks. Our algorithm finds optimal solutions in more than 80% of the cases and finds close to optimal solutions in all other cases, while using much less time. Index Terms-Communication networks, minimum-cost delayconstrained end-to-end routing, minimum-cost delay-constrained multicast trees.
doi:10.1109/tcomm.2003.811420 fatcat:bwzetijfs5atra3rh7yfpjehoq